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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Black Male: Lack of Financial Training, What do You Have To Lose?

Yes, I am on another tangent again, but it will be short this time. Why is it that my people cannot stick together? Forget the worst of times. Why aren't most, or some even, willing to help their brethren in the best of times? We are stingy and divided. I asked one of my good friends and mentors to be a sort of financial adviser to me and they said perhaps. To me that should have not even been a question. There should have been a sense of willingness, eagerness, and excitement! I had invested in my first stock some time back and I called to inquire and asked a question. The response was "That is considered financial advice and we cannot give you that." This is from a company in which I own a stock. What a shame. The world is so cruel guys! I expect rejection from a strange voice over a phone, but not from flesh and blood, or at least my own. I wish I could turn back the hands of time. Growing up and growing older has really exposed the true meaning of life to me and honestly it hurts it's a down-right, low-down shame! In the past I have reached out to several book publishers (who had only published one or two by the way) to help me/assist me in trying to find a way to publish. The answer is always something like "Oh, I don't have the time or the resources to help you right now...but I can refer you to someone ELSE. Let's talk when you get older." Please. Am I discouraged? no! I am going to make a plea to you and ask you and let you know, do not ever think that YOU HAVE ARRIVED. That you are too high and mighty to help someone else out less fortunate than you or someone who is just curious...especially family...especially flesh and blood. I promise to give all the knowledge that I have to my babies when I have them. The problem is Black people unfortunately are often not taught how to manage fiances--how to invest, how to save, how to double, triple their money. How to buy properties and rent them out. And the ones who do find out the game (and master it) don't want to share it. I am so infuriated right now I need to conclude my typing before I say something not so nice. I promise myself that I will never ever ever get so high on a horse, especially a rich horse, that I will not simply give a little financial advice to someone. That's okay though...I will get it, because I am eager. I am eager to learn and I am eager to share. Please do not be stingy with your knowledge...when you do that you cut someone else short, but more importantly you cut short your own blessings. GOD DON'T LIKE UGLY, AND HE AIN'T TOO FOND OF PRETTY! Peace!
PS: If any of you have a piece of valuable financial advice please feel free to call me...or better yet please post a comment below. Love you! Am I mad at my family? of course not. It is the natural, human, and foolish thing and in fact the easy way out to be stingy. I forgive them. I am not going to sob and throw a pity party I am going to find the information somewhere else. Any takers?


  1. Start by studying those who are best in the game--best at what they do. Then start to educate yourself through reading books that give give the advice you seek. Once you have gained some amount of knowledge about controlling money and not having it control you, ask question to people that you know that have expertise you are seeking. In the corporate world, they have a philosophy; the day they reveal the secret is the day they loose the skill. Many in high positions don't want to loose the upper hand, especially African Americans.

  2. haha! Tino Great insight love. Thank you for commenting! And all you are saying is so very true. Unfortunate and greedy, but true.


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