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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Immigration Documentary:30 Days

I watched a documentary in Global Class called 30 Days. I think it might be a tv/documentary series, but anyhow, it was about a minuteman named Frank/Francisco, who volunteers/ed to do board patrol on the Mexico/American border. What was ironic about the situation is that he was an immigrant from Cuba to America (California) during the Cuban Revolution, but he (originally) absolutely HATED the idea of illegal immigrants crossing the border. So, he agreed to live with an undocumented immigrant Mexican family who lives in LA, California for 30 days. In that span of time he learned how hard life was for them both in Mexico and in America. He learned how humble, hard-working, and united they were; a family of 5 kids and two adults living in a crammed two room house. He went to Mexico to meet the family in which his host family in LA had not seen for years. He was able to see the broke down home they used to live in which had no floor or running water, or even bathroom. Of course he developed a great compassion for these people.
We did not get to see what his reaction was after going back home to his wife, who also helped him patrol the border. I think it was very interesting. As for me...I have always had a heart of compassion. When you know what its like to starve, struggle to provide for a family, endure racism, and things along these lines, then you will not have a heart of hatred against people who are risking their lives and their children's lives to have a life just a little better than the life they had in the slums. There is much American talk saying that if too many immigrants come over they will end up taking over or stealing jobs. That is ridiculous. You should have enough common sense to know that the "powers that be" are not going to let anyone overtake our country. The father of the household Frank stayed with said that "The truth of the matter is, is that we do not take the jobs from other Americans...WE DO the jobs they do not want to do."
Just thought I'd share something that might be worth interest taking a look at no matter what your perspective is on immigration.

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