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Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 5th Marks ONE YEAR of YBB Blog!

Hello beautiful and handsome ladies and gents!

I hope you are enjoying this Fall season...but man, I must say, today in North Carolina, it felt like WINTER! So cold. BBBbbbrrrrr

October 5th, marked one whole year of "Young, Black and Beautiful...In College" Blog. My oh my how time flies. Last year was interesting, but sophomore year, even moreso...a lot more exciting things happening, yet new challenges as well. I always find it unbelievable when people try to hold you down and they go above and beyond, out of their way, and set aside actual time to do something to hurt you. I realize though, that unfortunately everyone does not have the best intentions and everyone does not have a heart of love and forgiveness. I made the promise to myself at a young age, that no matter how terrible 'the world' was to me and the 'adult world' that I would NEVER let the world make me sour, bitter, and/or mean or take away my joy. And people on campus keep asking me how I stay so positive. I did not realize that positivity of mind always, was so rare. lol In everything I do and everyone I spend my time with, none of it is negative. 'Negative' is like death to me, I cut it off immediately.

However, what I've also found as a truth for myself is that yet in my lowest moments, is where my best strength comes best writing, my best poetry, my best revelations! I also realize that no matter what I want to make a reality, it will not happen if it's not God timing for me. This is hard to accept, yet there are also some amazing things happening that I did not ask for and never even thought about.

Though it was attempted to 'censor' my story/voice on campus, I turned around and five people (and counting) have asked to capture my story in their school papers and projects! The president of the university tweeted to support me! ScholarCHIPS now has new board members, an official race, and an advisory board. This is all nothing but God's favor...I can't even deny that. Not bragging, but testifying to His grace.

Evenmoreso, I will be able to go on a full paid trip to New York with my grandmother...a plane, a limo, everything! I have watched her sacrifice and struggle for years, not being able to take a trip outside of DC, and now look at the turn of events we've prayed for FOR YEARS! I count it all joy, the little things and the even bigger! I hope this woman knows how much I love her and appreciate her. This is the beginning of the many ways I will say 'Thank You!'

After this evaluation of my life thus far, and particularly over the last year, I've grown to know more of what life is all about and how choices to deal with situations can make for a turn of events. Based on your choice, a negative situation can turn positive. It's all in your hands. Though I am imperfect, I try to give God my all and others my all. In addition, I am expecting the blessings He's promised to me. I will keep speaking truth, love and inspiration, as long as I breath and as long as you all let me :)

My last prayer is that the event taking place this Saturday (I will not spill the beans til after) will not just stop there. I pray that THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE, will not stop at just that. I pray to meet new people who I will know and will positively impact my life for the rest of my opportunities! This is only the beginning. For those of you who are not big on religion or Christianity  I must say that this is one of those times I CANNOT DENY the source of my strength. My faith is honestly 98% of who I am. If I leave that out, I am not being truthful and I leave out almost all of myself. I challenge you to reflect over the past year of your life and commit to things you want to do differently next time, or positive things you want to continue doing. I miss getting feedback, but I understand that in silence is often when we hear the loudest!


"Here is my heart, my mind. Lord here's my life. My Everything. Take it. It's yours, oh Lord." Mali music

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