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Friday, December 7, 2012

Cops Forced to be Bad Guys

Wow! It never ceases to amaze me...just when I think I've seen, heard and tackled it all I hear about this. So did you know that the NYPD, the New York Police Department is rather corrupt? They have what's called a "Stop-and Frisk" policy, which is basically a quota police officers must meet up to. Police officers are, coerced to stop and search "suspicious-looking" men, particularly young Hispanic and black men. If a police officer wants to move up in rank he must increase his numbers/reports of how many he has frisked. If a young man starts throwing profanity or punches that's justification to arrest them. How sad is this? What in the world?! Watching this short documentary will blow your mind. A young man was tired of being pulled over and harassed by police and was smart enough to record it. And they say the youth of today don't have any significant battles to fight...oh yes we do!
The recording piece has a bit of profanity in it, but you should definitely watch. The new released movie with Robert De Niro and 50 cent called Freelancers Hollywood sensationalizes this truth of corrupt NYPD. It's my belief that this is happening everywhere not just in New York. This is not simply about getting drugs off the streets, but a whole lot more going unsaid. uh huh...

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