Greetings and Salutations Lovelies! My first semester of college is finally complete as well as finals. I am writing to you on the train back to Washington, DC. This semester was honestly a breeze, aside from having to face my arch nemesis once again---MATH! STATISTICS to be specific. I made it through though at Elon with something special. Something that my Black High School failed to provide for me, not that it was their fault; a study group. The mindset of many of my peers back in high school was "Each for himself. Survival of the Fittest." No one wanted to see you doing better than them. In college though, it was a collaborative effort...we locked arms, leaned back, closed our eyes, and knew that someone would be there to catch us when we fell (or to prevent us from falling). My Statistics study group was my life line. We performed as if we were in a "trust building" exercise, you know the ones they always make you do in the middle of the woods? haha. I loved each and every one of them and we all honestly wanted to see each other do well and reach our highest individual potentials. I have learned a lot having lived independently for only a few months. Two things that still prove to be true about myself, which I already knew was 1)I am pretty self-motivated and 2) I have to be around people who make me laugh and those whom I can have honest, deep intellectual discussion with. I need to be surrounded by people who are smarter than me, more motivated than me, and have different perspectives. I am too far mentally to turn back to one-track mindedness.
My mentor from back home told me while things are still fresh in my mind to evaluate what went well and what I could have done better. Since I know I will not have time or want to do it over break, I might as well do it with you all now. So, what went well: 1) I got to know each of my professors intimately, 2) I utilized office hours and study groups, 3) I utilized the free services on campus such as the Writing Center, the Career Center, the Internship Office, the Busar's Office and the GYM! 4) I met a lot of new people, landed a job, and kept a planner (responsibly completed all the tasks I needed/wanted to complete. I think that covers about everything. I really don't regret anything even what's coming next.
Things that could have gone better/situations I could have handled better: 1) I need to learn how to manage my money much better. I need to learn how to buy based on my needs and rule out things that I can get at another time, for clearance after Christmas, and stuff I just don't need at all. For me to come from a middle classish setting, I am pretty high-maintenance. I like the small pleasures/indulgences of life like eyeliner and eyeshadow, sweet smelling perfume and lotion, colorful, warm socks, fancy hoistery and high heels and nice jackets. It is very hard to be on a strict budget when you like these things. 2) And most important, I think I really could have done a better job being a more supportive, open, and understanding roommate. We will leave that at that. LESSON LEARNED: I LOVE COLLEGE, LA UNIVERSIDAD! College is your chance to do, say, experience all the things you dreamed--literally, because after you pay your tuition everything is free/up for grabs! You already bought the cow, so you have a life-time guarantee of milk! haha. People automatically treat you better when you are in the "upper education level tier," if there is a such thing. Sad, but true. Can't wait til Grad and PHD status. lol I pray you all have a Happy Holiday season! I'm sure I will talk to you before then though. Comments? Questions? Please, don't be shy!
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