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Saturday, February 11, 2012

It Was Oil and Now It's Water, War Along The Nile"/ScholarCHIPS Fundraiser in March and So Much More

For the first time in a long time, I am round the clock busy! My second semester class load is heavy. I have a speech due for Public Speaking class on Tuesday. The teacher says that we cannot walk as we talk or use our hands too much. I asked why and was told that it builds our credibility. I laughed in my head and thought, but when presenting publicly (if not behind a podium or sitting down) it is perfectly natural to walk around, use your hands and interact with and engage your audience. If I were watching me standing completely still...I would not want to listen, whether I was a "credible source" or not! Well anyways, this will be quite the test. We are not to lean to one side, cross our legs, use idioms...I never really had those problems anyway, but it will be extremely hard to stand still with limited use of hands. My problem is, I tend to use the paralanguage phase "you know" a lot. When I was young it was "And stuff like that!" haha. Grandma got me off of that one quick! When I tell people intriguing stories I always begin with "Tell me why..." I dont do that in my speeches of course.
Aside from classes, the Elon U Gospel Choir is preparing for Spring Tour (FL)! Exxxccccited! I have to present in my African geography class on starting an NGO. Who would've thought? I am also working on ScholarCHIPS fundraisers at school (ie: football parties, concerts, LoYo profit-shares) but most importantly SCHOLARCHIPS WILL BE HAVING A "FRIENDRAISER EVENT" MARCH 3RD 2012 FROM 4:30PM-6:30PM IN DC. (the scholarship deadline has been extended til march 15th) Message me/comment for more info. You need to be there!
In African geography/history class, we watched a documentary called "The Nile." I learned that though in the 20th century, the resource that caused the most tension and war was oil, in the 21st century, the number one cause of war will be water! Ethiopia is building gigantic dams (funded by China) along the Nile which is inevitably reducing the river flow into Egypt. Other countries that share the Nile are also rioting on how much water they are allowed to use from the Nile. For centuries, based on an old treaty, Egypt has been allowed to use something like 65% of the water from the Nile. What about the other seven poverty stricken countries that share the Nile? ummhumm Keep your ears open, because it is predicted that a lot more conflict will arise, but hopefully they can make a reasonable resolution and come to a fair compromise. If the Nile were distributed even slightly more evenly, these countries could get rid of so much poverty because they would have water for their crops.
Lastly, I want to send a shout out to all of you who have reached out to me! There has just been a recent overflowing flood of love, support, and mentorship that keeps coming. This is rare and Im so grateful for it. You guys are truly the best. I sound all happy and busy, but juggling a million tasks as well as relationships are not easy. It's one thing to do a mini class group project, but its another thing to work with a diverse group of people for years at one thing. Conflict does arise, but God gives me the strength, knowledge, patience and understanding to deal with it all and smooth out the crumpled paper:) Til next time, be breezy :)
PS: Please watch "Let's Do it Again: Obama 2012" campaign on Youtube. It's this young African American singing group (none of them are voting age) who made a campaign song and t-shirts for President Obama! I dont care whose side you're on, they are too cute! If any Obama administration/campaign workers are reading, someone needs to do a re-make of "Ike for President" for Pres. Obama. We have gotten away from the cheery, innocent singalong song campaign adds...why not go back? Im tired of the petty mudslinging.
PS 2: I know you all heard that Whitney Houston died. This is sad, tis true, but what i find so funny is that any time a great celeb dies people watch and post their videos ballistically all over Facebook. The truth of the matter is, we will all one day meet our fate, so do not waste your time because no, "It is not YOUR PREROGATIVE!" haha. get it? Yes, it's corny I know. But it all seriousness take care of yourself and make the most out of your time (in Whatever ways that means to you). I truly do believe that Whitney's drug abuse contributed to her early demise.

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