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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Florida's Decision to Drug Test Welfare Recipients Backfires! Why Is America Going Digressing Backwards?

Well hello ladies and gents and Welcome to Yazzie's News Info Corner! :) Before I get into the topic at hand, I thought I'd let you know that this year is going to be one of those ridiculously involved years, like I did in high school...I can feel it, but I can't help it...I want to try new things! I am the Public Relations Chair for the Black Cultural Society at Elon (we already mapped out the year's events) and the Fundraising and Community Service Chair for the Gospel Choir. This is all very exciting stuff, but the problem is, is that I LOVE SLEEP! lol This does not include the work I must do fundraising for ScholarCHIPS ( and homework. But I'm not complaining, I only do things I actually love that I feel are worth my time and the sacrifice of sleep :)
As for Florida...I AM NOT MOVING THERE! I remember on the news sometime back, it was reported that several states including Florida were implementing a new law that says that a person who shows up to vote, must not only show their voter registration card, but other forms of identification such as a driver's license, a birth certificate and/or a passport. Speculations says that this is a sly move to prevent non-citizens/immigrants from voting. I believe with all of my heart that this is retaliation undermining of the less privileged in this country, and if not what will happen of poor whites on welfare who are doing drugs?...
To make matters worse, Florida was the very first state (ever) in 2011 to make is mandatory for all Temporary Assistance for Needed Families (TANF) or welfare applicants to take drug tests. Applicants are required to pay for the test and are only reimbursed if they pass the drug test. Thankfully, Four months later, The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida (ACLU) filed a lawsuit to stop it, and in October, a federal judge put the law on hold, as the law breaches people’s rights not to be searched and seizured unwarranted. However Gov. Rick Scott announced in November that the state would appeal the decision, and the issue is still lingering in courts. 
"During the four months that Florida's law was in place, the state drug tested 4,086 TANF applicants and only 108 individuals or 2.6% tested positive."--ACLU To me, irony of this statistic is  that when proposing, Gov. Rick Scott argued that this law was necessary because, he said, “welfare recipients use drugs at a higher rate than the general population.” Please Google search this to find out how much money Florida spent on this new law and how much they had to pay back. Unfortunately now, though it's in hold in Florida, over 25 states have introduced welfare drug testing legislation this year. Shameful. 
See, when you (anyone or any place) do things to spite a certain people or prevent them from basic rights, you will not prosper and if you do, it will not be for long. This is obviously an attack on you may say, actually there are more whites or white women on welfare...well then what does that mean for them? You may say that the government should not be supporting drug addictions...true, but it's not that simple. What are the provisions for people stripped of TANF due to drug addiction...will the government ensure rehabilitation. No. Because, really they don't care. 
This 'law' is based on the assumption that many/most minorities on the TANF program are taking drugs in some form. While this may have some truth to it, we can not say this is a universal truth and then strip people with children from financial assistance...this will only lead to more poverty, illiteracy, crime, and imprisonment, but Gov. Rick Scott doesn't care about that, he's not in that situation. And if they are stripped of assistance and on drugs...what will the government do with them next?...throw them in prison, in a rehabilitation center and put their kids with child protective services or a foster care? I'm so disgusted with politics...I swear that all these new crazy laws are taking us into the Era of The New Jim Crow as Professor Michelle Alexander proposes in her book ( If I can help any of it...I will...why is America going backwards? What do you think? 

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