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Monday, September 3, 2012

Paradigm Shift: The Future of Technology?

    IT'S CREEPY! Some may think it's cool...if Apple excellerates any faster the amount of time they release their latest Smart Phone, I think my head will explode. Of course the technicians behind the storefronts, commercials, and cool designs we see are always at work and not just Apple...I'm not going to get too much into those details though. In my Digital Media Convergence class we are talking about Old Media vs. New Media. Currently we have exited the world of 2.0 World Wide Web and are now in the era of 3.0 World Wide Web, in which we are still defining. Old Media is considered to be television, radio, recordings, paper books, movies, newspapers, and magazines. New Media is considered Electronic Books (such as the Kindle Reader), Online Newspapers, Music Downloading (such as ITunes), on-Demand video Streaming (such as Netflix), Internet Radio (Pandora, Spotify), Blogs (such as this one. smile), Smart TV, etc.
    Everything that was once linear is now nonlinear. Everything that was once analog, is now digital. Everything that once weighed 30 pounds that sat in your living room, you can now carry around in your pocket. I'm not telling you anything you don't know...but have you ever stopped to think about the future of media, and web, and technology as a whole....where is it going?! After the release of the personal computer in 1981, that marked the Paradigm shift that would rock our world and shape modern technology for what we know it to be today.
    In class we made a web of ideas, in which we thought technology was headed in the future....some of these may seem obvious, but what do you think technology will look like in the future?
A Massive database (we see the beginning of this with Google Drive and Apple ICloud), Actual computers in cars, that may talk to us...automatic cars that drive for you....maybe flying cars...Wireless/wifi EVERYWHERE (Even on the metro...DC metro is already improving cellphone coverage under the tunnels which is why you may be suffering from train delays), Adds will be more filtered, individual people will have the capacity to make softwares as opposed to solely technicians and big companies, people will be forced to do more than one thing (one job title will no longer be sufficient), glasses that include gps, you can read your emails on it (Goggle has come out with these Google glasses, or at least the idea...creepy!)
Computers will be 3D and you will be able to select commands in the air (like you see on Spy movies), no more computer mouses, more Smart devices, robots, military robots (they've started this too!, Humans living in outer space
What are your thoughts? Are you excited for new technology? Are you frustrated that you will have to keep learning how to use these devices? Are you creeped out by the fast rate in which technology is going? Have you seen "The Pirates of Silicon Valley" a movie focusing on Bill Gates and Steve Jobs?

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