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Saturday, August 17, 2013

President Obama Made Rodeo Clown Joke in Missouri Fair...Fair or Unfair?

Hey all you might have already seen this headline in your daily newspapers, on the news or on the radio, but I just wanted to share the Washington Post article that was written on this by Philip Rucker entitled Obama rodeo clown incident illustrates nation’s continued racial divide. It's just a well crafted story. Form my Communications perspective, the story identified what the incident was in full detail and provided feedback/opinions from both sides of the argument, from people who were at the actual rodeo. Here's a news coverage clip of the Missouri State Fair Rodeo Obama Clown.

I'm not going to make a big fuss about it. Instead, I'd like to hear from you...what do you think? Do you think having a caucasian man dressed in an Obama mask, with a broom up his behind, playing with his lips being chased by a bull was inappropriate or do you think it was just for fun and games and that blacks and liberals take these kinds of things too seriously/sensitively? I won't be upset, I'd just like to know...(Read the article/s and vids first please). Is this action justified because you think the president is doing a poor job and people make fun of presidents all the time?

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