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Monday, August 19, 2013

UNBEWEAVABLE Pastor Bans Women in Church Form Wearing Weave

There's so much going's hard to keep up. So first things first...word is out that a pastor in Waco, Texas is baning the women in leadership positions at the church from wearing weaves. My first thought is...someone must have spilled the bean and told pastor, or pastor was filling in some women's full head of lovely locks, because if you get a good weave, no one will know, lol!

I just want to take this time to dispel the myth that only black women wear weaves... women of other races including caucasian women wear weaves and extensions probably won't believe me, but Kim Kardashian does! She's admitted it in one of her interviews, I think on the Wendy Williams show. I couldn't find the exact video, but here's a link. use weaves, extensions and wigs to make their hair look more full, bouncy and voluptuous...which is why the every day person may think to themselves..."Man, I wish I had hair like Beyonce or Kelly Clarkson or someone...but the truth is is that they more than likely have on extensions or clip ons that look exactly identical to their hair. Celebrities pay hundreds and sometimes even a few thousand dollars for a natural looking hair piece. Have you ever seen Jennifer Lopez in the movie "Maid from Manhattan"? There's a scene where after she's gotten all glamourous to go to this banquet, the next morning she snatches out a clip on hair piece out of her hair and you wouldn't even know it till she does this!

Anyway...I seriously digress, lol. But back to this pastor...I think he's going to lose a few members if he's serious about enforcing this. Either that, or some female ministers and deaconesses are going to still wear weave and no body will even know. I think pastor's getting just too doggone self-righteous! Wearing weave does not make you any less saved or any more evil. Pastor says that "He wants the women to focus on more on developing themselves and their minds as opposed to putting emphasis on the outward appearance." While I do agree that women should not forsake brain smarts and try to over compensate for that by sexifying themselves (if that's even a word), but in my mind a Pastor should be bringing me the Word and not telling me what I can and cannot do with the money I earn and how I would like to wear my hair ,especially if I pay my tithes, haha.

LOL...I bet women are still gonna be sitting up there with weave and it looks just like it's theirs. The usher might ask if it's my hair and I'm going to say, "YES! I bought it so it's mine! JESUS GAVE IT TO ME AND THE WORLD CAN'T TAKE IT AWAY (like the old Hymnal says) LOL

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