Thank you for sharing in my college experience. Please follow my blog by submitting your email below.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

College Education, Not the Great Equalizer but Divider? Widening the Gap

Yesterday, I read an education article in the New York Times that was published December 22, 2012 about three Hispanic young women and best friends from Galveston, Texas who have been struggling in college due to lack of financial means (even though they had prep thought Upward Bound). It's been circulating very fast. But I of course can't let the harsh truths of this article go by without putting my two cents in. I mean this blog is about being a minority in college, right?! I know all about that. lol First of all, reading that article frightened me a little. I did not realize that college has been widening the gap of the rich and poor.
Here's the link to the article:
Second, I absolutely positively cannot stand is the sensationalism writers feel they need to add and therefore perpetuate a bad situation by adding terribly corny, sarcastic (not funny) humor. One sentence talked about how one of the girls came home with As, Bs, Cs, and Ds on her report card "looking like alphabet soup." Really? Is that anything to joke about?
Third, this is somewhat scary because my line of work outside of college! ScholarCHIPS is all about breaking the cycle of poverty in low-income, at risk youth by encouraging and funding them to go to college and finish. As a person who's life is dedicated to this cause, I am not happy to hear that college is only securing the rich's position in society and putting the poor further behind.
Fourth, what makes me even more upset is that many people who left comments on the article directly and on other sites blame the girls, Angelica, mainly for not reaching out to the financial aid office, etc. As a college student myself, I am constantly checking in with the Bursar's office and the Financial Planning office to ensure that all is well with my scholarships/tuition, but they also ALWAYS send me an updated agreement letter anytime a new scholarship comes in for me. (In addition to make sure I get the financial assistance I need, every year my grandmother sits up December 31st and submits my updated FAFSA form on JAN. 1ST)
  Anytime something changes, or something looks strange they email me...but I'm sure if they don't know your face or have a relationship with you at a large college, they probably aren't likely to make the extra effort to email you...but to assume her household income had increased so drastically without asking any questions to verify is just flat out wrong! But the article also makes a point I agree with and can relate to...that often low-income students, especially with parents who don't understand anything about college and financial aid don't feel as though the office will respond to them. This is the terrible mistake Angelica made.
Lastly, another point I can relate to from the article was that the young women were heavily relying on their boyfriends to help support them because their fathers weren't there. I can relate to this because I have a boyfriend (who is from Jamaica and only recently received his permanent residency) and my father is not in my life and is by no means equipped to financially support me in school. I am so blessed that I am at school on all scholarships and I have additional monies, so I do not have to rely my boyfriend or anyone heavily for financial support...But in my personal life in college, I would never ask my boyfriend to co-sign on a $40,000 loan, or any lon...especially since we are not 100% sure that going to get married right out of college and this is the huge mistake another young lady in the article made, but what I DO UNDERSTAND like most don't is that these young women 1) went to an underperforming high-school (though they were at the top of their class, 2) they are FIRST generation college students so you can imagine the level of support their families were able to give, 3) they are middle class making barely over $30,000 and 4) they did not have fathers to tell them not to make these kinds of decisions with men in college so early. So while people are scolding over comments, what may seem to come as common sense to you all, is unheard of to these young girls walking into unknown territory.
Latinos are very family oriented and many get married early, so no one can look down on these girls for these decisions...but in the United States in order to make it out of the slums and the living on paycheck-to-paycheck, you can't do the same things your parents did. Pursuing the American Dream as a low/middle class minority often includes sacrificing marriage and children for a later age and working twice as hard to both acquire scholarships and work to pay for tuition, books, food, and other essentials.
My advice to minorities going to college....Please please do not let this article discourage you. Do not be afraid to pursue what seems as the unreachable and obtain the unthinkable...BUT BE SMART. Create bridges and build relationships. I have strong relationships to people in the Admissions department, the Bursar's office, the Registrar's office and the Financial planning office. When you do not have money and parents to vouch for you...YOU MUST CREATE RELATIONSHIPS. No exceptions! It's the reality. You need people to watch out for you and have your best interest at heart...when that happens, professors will write you strong recommendations, suggest scholarships, introduce you to people, etc.
I hope you appreciate this coming from my perspective as I can totally relate to these girls. If you desire anymore advice on making it through college as a minority student, please do not hesitate to reach out to can comment below (if it doesn't allow you, comment anonymously and put your email/number) or contact me at  Remember...THE TASSLE IS WORTH THE HASSEL!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Social Media is Here...and it's here TO STAY (Video)

Need I say more! This brief video will show you how fast social media is growing and changing EVERYTHING about how we consume! The whole statistic about 95% of parents are "friends" with their children on Facebook is hilarious! HEY GRANDMA! And people in other countries have named their children Facebook and Twitter...Wow, just watch :)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Cops Forced to be Bad Guys

Wow! It never ceases to amaze me...just when I think I've seen, heard and tackled it all I hear about this. So did you know that the NYPD, the New York Police Department is rather corrupt? They have what's called a "Stop-and Frisk" policy, which is basically a quota police officers must meet up to. Police officers are, coerced to stop and search "suspicious-looking" men, particularly young Hispanic and black men. If a police officer wants to move up in rank he must increase his numbers/reports of how many he has frisked. If a young man starts throwing profanity or punches that's justification to arrest them. How sad is this? What in the world?! Watching this short documentary will blow your mind. A young man was tired of being pulled over and harassed by police and was smart enough to record it. And they say the youth of today don't have any significant battles to fight...oh yes we do!
The recording piece has a bit of profanity in it, but you should definitely watch. The new released movie with Robert De Niro and 50 cent called Freelancers Hollywood sensationalizes this truth of corrupt NYPD. It's my belief that this is happening everywhere not just in New York. This is not simply about getting drugs off the streets, but a whole lot more going unsaid. uh huh...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Revolutionary Sunglasses, My DMC Project

I created this magazine ad and website design in photoshop. I created mindreading glasses, these are not a real invention (that i know of)...but they could be! Do you need someone to create a poster design...? Hit me up!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

TODAY, Spokenword: YazzieSpeaks the Truth

US Football Kills 22yrold Girlfriend and Commits Suicide

 Pro football player, Jovan Belcher, who played for the Kansas City Chiefs reportedly shot his girlfriend this past Saturday, December 1, 2012 and then proceeded to Arrowhead Stadium and shot himself in front of his coach and general manager. This is a terribly tragic state of affairs. My first thought as I'm sure yours may have been after hearing the news is 'why would he do such as thing?' I've been hearing a lot of reports over the past few years about a family member killing their families and then proceeding to kill must raise the question, what is going on? Of course we do not live in a perfect world...there are many with mental disabilities and impairments, but this cannot be the explanation for all the insanity or homicides and it the economy? 
I don't know and this family is in my prayers, but I just want to let you now that no situation is too bad to take your own life...there's no bouncing back or redeeming from that...All these poor young kids who made one inappropriate pictures of themselves, their friends or peers spread it thinking it's funny and then taking their own lives from the embarrassment. Granted some things, if exposed, may taint our entire careers and lives, but as the black church ain't over til it's over! and that's a worldly truth too! Keepyourheadup! You're beautiful! never give up and don't take someone else's life...that's not your call. THE WORLD NEEDS A SERIOUS HEALING! 

Petitions to Secede From the U.S., And Where Are Yall Going?

JUST STOP IT! I cannot emphasis this enough. Why in the world is it almost 2013...TWO THOUSAND AND THIRTEEN and we have people putting in petitions to secede (meaning completely remove themselves and possibly give up their citizenship) from the United States. My Public Opinion Professor points out that America hasn't been this divided like this since the Civil War...The Civil War! when the North was fighting to free black slaves who had been DRAGGED TO AMERICA in the first place....nah uh., your ancestors' ancestors' ancestors dragged US here and now you are trying to secede? AND WHERE YALL GOING...I presume not Africa and not Mexico! lol Now whoever came up with the term "post-racial" society...let me find them and slap them. I'm truly disgusted by the meanness, no scratch that, the flat out cruelty from racist Americans. You act like you are going to die because a black president is in hasn't even been three whole months and you're crying bloody murder.
But all anger and jokes aside I get it...Southern Americans are trying to prove a point. Honestly the hostility is only coming from a small group of Americans...I just heard on the radio too, thanks to women, young people and minorities coming out in groves to the polls President Obama is in office. My professor, Jason Husser (political analyst) in this article:  makes a legitimate point making petitions to secede goes way beyond what meets the eye:

He says, "I’m a Southerner descended from slave holders and Confederate soldiers. I’ve often heard arguments that Confederate flags and sentiments expressed by petitions like these honor our heritage. What they actually do is glorify the worst parts of our history and neglect the best." 

And they say the young people of today don't have a war to fight, UUMM CLEARLY WE DO! Texas alone rallied up 100,000 signatures. I seriously need to get on tv with this and just let everyone know how silly they're getting...I'm going to pray for this country and people blinded by color. Yeah...Yall go ahead and convince all the old farts that've been sitting on capitol hill for 1, 000 years with their filibusters and bill riders to secede to so we can get some REAL things done for a change! Yes, I said it. I'm truly, truly disappointed. Money and power are worldly and they don't last always, so keep on your high horse...The world is yours right? Remember you brought us here! You don't think I noticed that you've got black slaves pulling a buggy on the Wells Fargo bank card...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Kid President, Hilarious

I'M not in a party...I AM THE PARTY! Everywhere I go it's a party :) This kid is HILARIOUS! I see "comedian" all in his future :) Precious Innocence BE...MORE...AWESOME

Monday, December 3, 2012

How Far is Too Far? Christian Dating Sites?

Sooo...I was in the gym today and I see an advertisement for a Christian dating site...something like Christian Mingle. And I was like, something is not right with this picture. I remember seeing those inappropriate  but oh so funny late night commercials for secular dating hotlines, not matter how "religious" or "Christian"you try to make it, I still see the image of a cute, thin long-haired lady, with a large rack holding a phone, lounging on the couch image in my head. Well, those are for phone dating as opposed to online dating, but still...Is it just me, or is that a little weird? If you are a Christian and you are looking for I hope you prayed about it and two, you need to go to more church events and bible studies. lol no, seriously, you may disagree...but how far is too far? I think this has gone a little to far and I know Christian dating/mingling sites have been around for a while, but first of all Christians shouldn't be "mingling" like that...that sounds like you are going to a bar to find a one nighter. Yes, I said it. should have higher standards than that and be more patient. Patience is one of the fruits of the spirit and the bible says "He who findeth a wife, findeth a good thing so a woman should not be creating an avatar, trying to find a date online. And second...Christians fellowship! (I know my grandmother will appreciate this one). Third, a Christian dating site emulates that of the secular world. There is supposed to be a notable difference between the secular world's practices and the religious world, and in this case the Christian religion. Anyways, what do you think? I just thought this was a little funny, sad, and confusing all at the same time! Obviously someone's out to make money on desperate Christians who've lost the faith that when the time/season has come, God will send them their date...I mean life mate!

And I of these sites did not just use Psalms 37:4 "Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Really? lol I really don't think God meant for this to mean to delight in the Lord and then proceed to scope out people interpersonally on the internet in belief that this is how God wants and will provide your life mate or a date...whatever. Who is in charge of the airways again?
Now available on your Iphone and Android, so you can date on the go! SMH

Hilarious! Cat on Treadmill. Never...Give...Up

This is the cutest video. :) Look at the cat's face!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Black Friday, Ashes in Bangladesh

Do you remember sometime back I told you about the documentary called "Life and Debt"? The documentary focused on American factories in overseas countries, particularly focusing on Jamaica. Many of us are well aware that the United States funds/pays workers in sweatshops in poor countries, but we only bring it up when terrible tragedies happen such as the recent fire in a Bangladesh garment factory. Approximately 112 employees were burned to death after being trapped in the seven-story shop which had no fire exits. Many of the bodies are burned so bad they're un-identifiable. Some people jumped out of the building but still ended up dying. This is truly heart-breaking. It is reported that all of 4, 000 ex-amount of Bangladesh sweatshops do not have the proper fire precautions. This shop produces products for companies such as Wal-Mart, JC Penny, H&M and others.
I just feel a deep sense of sympathy for the families who lost their loved ones. If this were to happen in the U.S. people would go absolutely biserk, so we just take it overseas...and turn deaf ears and blinds eyes. My Human Services professor told me that in North Carolina some time back there was an incident similar to this, a chicken factory caught on fire and the employees died because the doors were locked. It's crazy. Places like WalMart make workers work all through not only Black Friday, but Thursday as well. Make more money, don't pay workers any more, and pay abroad workers little to nothing and don't care if a Bangladesh factory has fire exits or not. Even though we like to buy things at reasonable prices and make profit, what ever happened to the humane side of thinking? I guess big business and even the slightest sensitivity to humanity don't mix. Sad.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Had The Strangest, Scariest Dream: A Lot to Be Thankful For/My 1st Sermon

This has been a year of abundant blessings for me, but also a humbling and sometimes stressful year. Grandma laughs and says, "STRESS! You don't KNOW stress til you start having a husband, and kids, and grocery lists, and bills!" Lol She's totally right, but as I tell me beloved Tino when he compares his Engineering Physics homework to my Communications homework...anytime I say it's difficult, he says "You don't know difficult"...while this has some humourly truth, we cannot usually perceive anything more difficult than the situation we are dealing with. One subject or issue may be harder for one person to deal with than another. I was struggling to write for while, because I didn't want you to think I turned my attention from any global, national, or local issues and decided to turn everything "Young, Black and Beautiful" about me, but I realized 1) this is a specialized blog and 2) I make some revealing observations about the world I don't often hear people talking about...and no worries, I will certainly talk about global issues in due time...but as I've said this year has been very busy. Israel is in my prayers.
So about this dream...I don't know if the scary factor has anything to do with all the Thanksgiving sweets I ate prior to going to sleep a couple hours later...side note: I wonder if sugary foods before sleeping causing bad dreams is a biological truth or a superstition (I will find out) anyway I interpreted it much different. I had a dream that my house nearly burnt down...and this was in the dream, apparently not the first time, but the second time. We had to rush out and the flames looked so real...I watched them creep up the kitchen wall, and later into the rooms upstairs...I was so terrified. I was thinking Lord why...where are we going to live? We'll have to start from scratch. Grandma said leave everything, or if I wanted to risk it I could try to go grab a few things of value and clothes. I ran upstairs to grab a few things and heart racing, I said a simple pray something like, "Lord I'm scared, but if this is your will I will accept, just please don't let us die. I give my life but I know there are still things I have to do on this earth and when I walked down stairs the flames had subsided. I couldn't believe my eyes. I took the hose off the sink and sprayed the kitchen wall and the fire was out. I was so relieved and couldn't believe it." I woke up a little after that. You can imagine how shook you'd be after a dream like that, but I look at it this way...a little bit of faith can go a long way. We may see ourselves in a bad situation and think that our end is near, but if we just had a seedling of faith and cry out, we can be restored. The dream still resinates with me as a little weird, but I will not take it lightly. It's been an enormously long time since I've had a dream I can remember so vividly.
Anyways, the last thing I wanted to share with you was my amazing Sunday. Last Sunday I had the tremendous opportunity to give my first unofficial sermon (not my initiation sermon to become an ordained minister, but that's coming soon). I wanted my family to come but things came up which prevented that. I wanted a church member to come, but that didn't happen. However, the love of my life Tino was there and one of my favorite professors who had introduced me the the first lady of the church at an informal lunch and she introduced me to the church. These two and first lady were just smiling up at me and it did my heart good! I spoke at Union Baptist Church in Winston-Salem for their 9th Annual Corner2Corner Conference Sunday morning service. Pastor Sir Walter Mack Jr. is the kindest man I've ever met...he sat me in HIS SEAT! I SAT IN THE PASTOR'S SEAT YALL! And believe it or not this was one of my visions...never dreamed it would happen at 19 years old. I poured my heart out to the congregation. my topic was "Making the Choice to Bounce Back: Making Your Setback a Comeback." Many of us beat ourselves up for past mistakes or find ourselves struggling to let go of the things someone else 'has done' to us, but in order to let God use you in an effective and wonderful way we must forgive people. At the second service Roland Martin (CNN) spoke he did a good job, he's rather riske in his commentary sometimes, lol but I felt bad because the ex-offenders/C2C graduates were jumping up in agreement at some of his comments like "Will you same church folk walk up to a drug dealer and give him the good new" and all the ex-drug dealers were  hollering "NOPE, NOPE THEY WON'T!" I felt bad because I poured my heart out as a child of an ex-convict...I spoke out of love and passion and they weren't hollering like that. Perhaps because they felt convicted a little...but people loved my sermon, especially pastor and First Lady. I have to realize that I can't worry about what people think, what was said was said, and it came from my heart and I know it was received my someone. But to add to the blessings, Pastor gave me a honorarium and a donation to ScholarCHIPS for over $1,000! I cannot wait to get a copy of the dvd, I will post the video so you can see it, or some of it if you so wish to put a visual with my story.
Back to reality I've struggled with finding rides this year...even the Megabus has decided to jack up the prices on holiday time tickets. My ride home dumped me on the corner in a rush to get home, but Thank God I still made it home in warmth and peace...I may not have a car, but when I get one I will be as helpful as I possibly can because I know what's it's like to be without. I've been on tv and radio, in magazines and editorials and God's not finished with me yet! I've got more sermons to preach, more children to help get into college, more lives to touch, more hurtful tests to endure, but I've still got shoes on my feet, a roof over my head, an education and a sound mind! In addition, I will be giving the opening poem I wrote for Gospel Choir's concert. I HAVE A LOT TO BE THANKFUL FOR!
 (Me in the middle of Pastor Sir Walter Mack Jr. and his Queen, First Lady. I met her at a lunch with my professor, had no idea she WAS a first lady of a church or that her husband would have me speak).

Monday, November 19, 2012

Have You Ever Seen A Big Lady Ice Skate?

You have to check this out! This girl is good...I've never seen this before and It's great! lol You should watch her and pay attention to how your face reacts! Americans are unfortunately not used to seeing ice skaters or models who are over a certain size, so watch I promise you will be amazed :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012


In digital media convergence class today we were talking about how Apple wants to make an Apple TV and rid of all their competitors...(i.e. Sony, Panasonic)! They also want to get rid of all their mobile competitors (i.e. Sprint, Verizon).
As a terrible reflex, I slightly bang the table with stretched eyes and exclaim "HEY! WAIT! They can't do that! That's a monopoly!"
My professor says..."Don't buy it!"
I say, "I won't but a lot of people will!"

Absolutely hilarious! But seriously...I'm going to dig into this some more. Those greedy mongers!  I see now that a one-world government is no joke! Big companies, orgs, and government to rule everything!!! Does no one else not see something wrong with this? STOP BUYING THE LATEST IPHONE every don't need it boo! What? For a higher screen resolution and just 5% more bandwidth than the phone you have now and a smaller size by .05 inches?! REALLY? WHY YOU NO USE BRAIN???


Hello My lovelies!

Tomorrow is the day. Many people are nervous. Please don't be. I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a purpose and I'll just leave it at that! lol You can vote twice today...that's right. Once for president of the United States and once for a beloved friend! Totally not on the same level, but don't minimize. haha. Anyways. Please click the link below and scroll down and hit five stars. I promise after this one is over...I'll sit my hind-parts down, but this is a chance for me to be on a magazine cover as a plus model :) No worries, it will be peep shows here!!  lol Did someone just say breakthrough? This industry is almost impossible  unless you get the exclusive inside connection! But every once in a while someone is kind enough to open the opportunity to new faces and every once in twelve blue moons someone is nice enough to open the opportunity for a plus size model.
One thing I hope you've learned from me, is that you don't have to limit yourself to one subject, or field or career. You can be whatever and do as many things as your heart desires. Life's too short for holding back and out and regrets. While it's important to be an expert in one area, it's also very useful to have some knowledge on a plethora of keeps life eventful.

Aaahh, I'm in the lead! 2 minutes and five stars is all it takes :) Competition ends December 1st!

It was truly amazing to watch it with family! THIS IS NOTHING BUT GOD'S FAVOR! 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Hey! Hey! hey! The BLACK GIRLS ROCK SHOW will air THIS SUNDAY on BET at 7PM! LaLa Anothony introduces me and I'm in a royal blue dress! Thanks again for voting and all your love and support. Without you, this would not be possible. I LOVE YOU AND I HOPE YOU ARE WELL! 

LOVE YAZ, @Yazziebeau93 

PS: Don't worry...I'm still making observations about the world...just have to find time to sit down, escape the daily chaos and write it all down :) 

I met some of my favorite actors as the show...Meagan Good and Idris Elba...and Black Girls rock founder and celebrity DJ Beverley Bond! 

 Beverly Bond, BGR Founder and Celebrity DJ
 Meagan Good: beautiful inside and out!
 My man! Idris Elba, AKA: DJDriis, AKA humble and loving and GIVES THE BEST HUGS!

Saturday, October 27, 2012


YES! It's that time again :) Me, DJ Sassy Yassy and DJ Tobey Tobez are going LIVE from 7-8pm! If you dont have a radio...that's ok, tune in on your comp with this link: Bringing you some old old school jams, smooth jazz, and R&B.

Friday, October 26, 2012

My First Avid Project: Le Sweet Escape With Le Mistress

For my Digital Media Convergence class, we are learning to edit videos with Avid. Bye bye FinalCut Pro! Our project was to scan a photograph from a famous classic photographer in high resolution, crop the photo from different angles and make a movie/story line using that one photo. BE NICE! lol This is my first time using Avid.

WATCH AND ENJOY! I will get if you need a video edited, hit up your girl!

If you'd like to view the video on Youtube, comment, or check out my other videos, click the Youtube link in the bottom right hand corner of the vid. 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Only Black or White: No Grey Areas! Race is a Social Construct

Now what I'm about to share with you is an extremely sensitive topic, but as a journalist at heart and one who looks for truth in everything, I do not feel it necessary to hide my evolving and ever blossoming understanding of life as we live in it today. The first half is history based, what I am referring to are my own personal conclusions on a rather big silent race issue, which will come later. Now in my Intro to Human Services Class we are reading from a book called "The Meaning of Difference." Essentially this whole book is about how and why humans have created, separated and categorized people into different classes...race, gender, socioeconomic class, etc., what the so-called [socially-constructed] meanings are of these classes, why these are significant and how these meanings shape our lives' potential. Follow me on this. I am not citing what I am saying but there are sources to back this theory up and if you are the slightest bit of a historian you know this to be true. Now, in the Bible and in Ancient times the term "race" was never used! People belonged to certain ethnic groups, where each had a special/certain culture and language and lived in a particular place. People were known by either who their fathers (ancestors) were and/or where they originated from. Remember old names that would have a first name and be followed by ...of a country. For example : "Joshua of Syria" or "Joshua de Syria." In the Bible and other ancient texts, it is often that you find extensive lists of descendent names before the scripture or text ever mentions the actual person of  the story's focus. "Race" was not formulated until colonization when Europeans conquested Native American lands and divided people into the categories of Mongoloids, Negroids  and  Caucasoids. Race was associated with certain biological/physical features which allowed people to categorize a certain look with certain negative characteristics and therefore assume a position of superiority. This construct was only perpetuated by slavery and later segregation even after World War II. Though up to that point America was preaching "Oh Democracy, justice and freedom for all," in the new suburbias (Levitt Town) being built it was ruled that if blacks were to live on these properties their presence would make the value of the houses go down and pollute the people. CRAZY! Then with these laws come the segregation and division of living communities and read-lining the poorest, blacks communities as 'hazardous.' Now it makes sense that even today, though schools are supposedly or by law, desegregated, our schools and communities are still yet so segregated with the exception of a few phenomenal cities, which even if diversified, most likely lack access to the best education and services there are. I highly suggest watching the documentary "Race an Illusion." It did not help that public policies and court rulings continuously perpetuated these so-called racial differences. It will blow your mind!
Now here's my revelation on the issue of black and white [marriage], as society likes to paint it. I ask that you please be respectful that this is only the opinion of one, though I think my evolution of thought symbolizes a breakthrough and positive progress. "I think a lot of black women's anger when seeing a black man with a white woman comes from all of the pain that we endured that the White Americans put us was shown in the documentary and lived by our grandparents. Honestly, I used to think this way. Not because I wanted to but that's what I grew up seeing and hearing, especially on tv. I have been exposed lots more now to this dynamic (black man/white woman) and I'm proud to say that over time my heart has changed and I am no longer mad or jealous when I see this, but even moreso I have a heart for their children as they may have identity struggles growing up (as our reading "What is Race? What is Ethnicity?" mentioned). They may potentially struggle as they do not wholely fit into the racial constructs/boundaries society created, which did and does not leave much room for those of mixed-decent, and I don't just mean blacks and whites. Not to say "I feel bad for them," but I am now mindful and aware of these things. Black women like to think that our black men want white women because it's a power thing...a move up in society...and this may very well have even the slightest bit of truth to it, (just as people of a lower status may marry one of higher economic status to elevate their living status and opportunities) but who am I to say that LOVE has a color or race? Love is also an abstract ideal. Who am I to say that they're not truly in love? Now the problem comes in when these black men marry a white women and turn around and cast negative judgements on black women and say things like "they're too ignorant....they're too ghetto, they don't know how to love and obey their men." TOTALLY FALSE! AAANNNDDD that makes them no better in mindset than the angry black women. I have seen many many black women (especially Christian women) be sweet, beautiful, loving, obeying and supportive wives to their black husbands and gladly willing to fill their husband's physical desires as well and physical and emotional I plan to do for mine. First lady Michelle Obama is a prime example. And for some reason...America would like to believe that the president's and his wife's loving relationship is an illusion. WE ARE COMPLETELY BRAINWASHED! Race and political party is everything. As a poll participant I've had several whites say to me over the phone..."I USED to be a faithful Democrat until Obama got in there!" Now what in the world is THAT supposed to mean? "Are you saying to me sir that you refuse to be a Democrat because a Black man who is a Democrat is now in office?" If not, it certainly sounds like it. Have we seriously boiled down to this? Seriously? Everything is only either white or grey areas. Life's not that simple and our brains shouldn't be either!"

Monday, October 22, 2012

Oh How Different the Presidential Debates Would be If the Moderator Were a Black Female!

Excuse me? May I finish the question first? lol

Black Girls Rock Show Was Great!

Hey there! First and foremost I want to thank you all for voting for me to be one of this year's Making a Difference (MAD) Girls on behalf of Black Girls Rock Incorporated and Black Entertainment Television! Because of your votes, love, and support ScholarCHIPS is continually growing in it's one thing for it to gain popularity, but please pray that along with that more people are touched to donate so that the young people who really need the help can go to college! Education is the golden key to the obtaining the American Dream!
 The weekend before last was my trip to New York to the Black Girls Rock show was absolutely amazing! Now there is no possible way for me to write to you ALL THAT therefore I put it in a Youtube video so when you have time, please check out the video below...but what I will say is that I met Idris Elba! He is a famous and oh so handsome Black British award-winning actor and DJ. The show will air on tv Sunday, November 4th, 2012 at 8pm on be on the lookout for that. I also just did a video on "If The Presidential Debates Moderator was a Black Female"...just some slight humour of what was in my head. I will post that also.
Don't forget to catch me on the radio (DJ Sassy Yazzy) Saturday nights from 7-8 on WSOE 98.3 Elon, Burlington.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

October 5th Marks ONE YEAR of YBB Blog!

Hello beautiful and handsome ladies and gents!

I hope you are enjoying this Fall season...but man, I must say, today in North Carolina, it felt like WINTER! So cold. BBBbbbrrrrr

October 5th, marked one whole year of "Young, Black and Beautiful...In College" Blog. My oh my how time flies. Last year was interesting, but sophomore year, even moreso...a lot more exciting things happening, yet new challenges as well. I always find it unbelievable when people try to hold you down and they go above and beyond, out of their way, and set aside actual time to do something to hurt you. I realize though, that unfortunately everyone does not have the best intentions and everyone does not have a heart of love and forgiveness. I made the promise to myself at a young age, that no matter how terrible 'the world' was to me and the 'adult world' that I would NEVER let the world make me sour, bitter, and/or mean or take away my joy. And people on campus keep asking me how I stay so positive. I did not realize that positivity of mind always, was so rare. lol In everything I do and everyone I spend my time with, none of it is negative. 'Negative' is like death to me, I cut it off immediately.

However, what I've also found as a truth for myself is that yet in my lowest moments, is where my best strength comes best writing, my best poetry, my best revelations! I also realize that no matter what I want to make a reality, it will not happen if it's not God timing for me. This is hard to accept, yet there are also some amazing things happening that I did not ask for and never even thought about.

Though it was attempted to 'censor' my story/voice on campus, I turned around and five people (and counting) have asked to capture my story in their school papers and projects! The president of the university tweeted to support me! ScholarCHIPS now has new board members, an official race, and an advisory board. This is all nothing but God's favor...I can't even deny that. Not bragging, but testifying to His grace.

Evenmoreso, I will be able to go on a full paid trip to New York with my grandmother...a plane, a limo, everything! I have watched her sacrifice and struggle for years, not being able to take a trip outside of DC, and now look at the turn of events we've prayed for FOR YEARS! I count it all joy, the little things and the even bigger! I hope this woman knows how much I love her and appreciate her. This is the beginning of the many ways I will say 'Thank You!'

After this evaluation of my life thus far, and particularly over the last year, I've grown to know more of what life is all about and how choices to deal with situations can make for a turn of events. Based on your choice, a negative situation can turn positive. It's all in your hands. Though I am imperfect, I try to give God my all and others my all. In addition, I am expecting the blessings He's promised to me. I will keep speaking truth, love and inspiration, as long as I breath and as long as you all let me :)

My last prayer is that the event taking place this Saturday (I will not spill the beans til after) will not just stop there. I pray that THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE, will not stop at just that. I pray to meet new people who I will know and will positively impact my life for the rest of my opportunities! This is only the beginning. For those of you who are not big on religion or Christianity  I must say that this is one of those times I CANNOT DENY the source of my strength. My faith is honestly 98% of who I am. If I leave that out, I am not being truthful and I leave out almost all of myself. I challenge you to reflect over the past year of your life and commit to things you want to do differently next time, or positive things you want to continue doing. I miss getting feedback, but I understand that in silence is often when we hear the loudest!


"Here is my heart, my mind. Lord here's my life. My Everything. Take it. It's yours, oh Lord." Mali music

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Tune in Tonight: My First Radio Show Run

Join me, DJ Sassy Yazzy, tonight on my radio show "Late Night Cool Down" on 89.3 WSOE Elon, Burlington....Bringing you Smooth Jazz and R&B! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

Interesting Perpective on Race

THIS IS AMAZING! I know I'm hitting you guys with so much at once...but this is good stuff!



The POWER of Naming

Yesterday in my Human Services class, we talked about the power of Naming! Naming things, people, groups, places, items, concepts....everything, is how we understand the world! Without a name and a definition...what is it? What do we call it? It's one thing to name an item, but the name we identify ourselves with and how others name us is where the power lies. My professor posed the question, "If I call you a dummy long enough, what happens?" And the class finishes with the answer, "You began to believe it." The naming of ethnic groups in the past and even present has been a big factor in who holds the power. As blacks were called Negros, or coloreds, and names even before then. Derogatory names. There is power in naming. The term 'Hispanic'...was also decided and named by someone/a group of people. I really began to think about this and apply it to myself.
The professor also gave us an example of her first job. Her boss would always call her Sandy, when her name is Sandra. She was afraid to correct him because she did not want to be rude to authority or possibly loose her job, but she was frustrated as Sandy was not what she wanted to be called. Calling her Sandy was a way of making her seem 'as a little girl,' as opposed to the grown, educated woman that she was." Has anyone ever called you the wrong name constantly? Have you ever had a student call you by your first name, when you wanted to be called Mr./Ms. or Dr./Professor Soandso? Do you think it was on purpose or on accident? How did that make you feel? I hope you understand where I'm going with this.
But to close out, there is this one young gentleman college freshman, bless his heart...and every time He sees me he manages to call me/incorporate the terms into our conversations..."Ghetto and rachet." He likes to tell me "Yasmine, you're ghetto or you're a little rachet." If anyone knows the actual definitions/connotations of these two words and knows me personally knows...I AM FAR FROM EITHER! I am smart, educated, and well-spoken. Every once in a while, in a comfortable, intimate setting my natural slang comes out...THAT'S A PART OF MY CULTURE...THAT DOES NOT MAKE ME GHETTO! Anyways...this did not frustrate me til now. The more someone says something about you the more you will think about it and possibly believe it...while I know this young man has a lot...and I mean A LOT of growing up to do, I will no longer allow him to tell me I am Ghetto or Rachet! I know they say 'It's not what they call you, it's what you answer to'...but how about this 'It's what YOU ALLOW them to call you!" BOOM! lol I AM ME! I am KuntaKente, not Tobi!!!

What'd you say? Repeal It! Romney Says!

Repeal Obamacare...repeal Dodd-Frank...47% of non-taxpayers/moochers....I will not make any comments on any of this because there's no more to say. Republicans are even telling Romney to STOP taking bad political advice on such topics. Political analyst, Charlie Cook, even came to Elon and said the same thing. Here is an article, actually in favor of Romney, in which I thought was interesting. You should take a look. Let me know what you think about this continuous rolling monster ball of bad press on behalf of Romney-Supporting Republicans. If you support him, I won't bash you...tell me why. And sidenote, I'm so tired of hearing people say 'Well Pres. Obama didn't make the job market/economy better so someone else sure man cannot transform the entire 50 states' job market in just four years. NO ONE PERSON CAN! So what makes anyone think that ANYONE can magically appear and make everything right again? Just a general question....that thought is just downright basic, bottom-level thinking=no brainer. Where are my Master's Degree and PHD thinking brains? lol

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What Are Your Intentions? Feelings Are Dangerous

These days are perhaps my first true initial experiences being held in the public eye. I was recently featured on the front page of Elon University's website homepage and on BET's website simultaneously. However, with this new mass exposure means I will be watched more, held accountable more, looked up to more, but also more susceptible to people watching and waiting for me to slip up. This is not just for me, but ANYONE in the public eye or in a leadership position. It's a lot of pressure...especially considering that fact that we're all human and we have a natural tendency to sin and make mistakes. We even make mistakes on complete and total accident (did you catch that one, haha).
I'm sharing with you my heart and my experiences (good and bad) because 1) I believe it's important to be transparent, 2) perhaps you can learn from my mistakes, and 3) when I write to you, I learn and iterate universal truths for myself as well. I HAVE to write a book one day about all the crazy ridiculous things I've experienced, seen, and heard.
But back to my main point...there are always two sides to a story, but it's important to have the capacity to see and understand both sides. When you only see your side as 100% correct, it will skew your thought-process and you will end up being apathetic or lacking in compassion. Further along the lines of seeing the other side, you must also be able to see people as people! Doing something not because you think you are right but because you are either feeling a bubbling sense of jealousy, envy (which is different), retaliating, or doing something to be spiteful please reconsider your actions. Realize that while you want to retaliate against someone because you feel threatened or wronged....REMEMBER, and this is imperative....remember that you are human too and one day your fate will be in the hands of someone else. Maybe someone will have the final say as to whether you will be let go from your job...Power is a powerful thing. One can use it for good and one can use it for bad or to hurt other people, unfortunately. We've seen the worst in people like Hitler and the best in people like Clinton arguably. Many who do not have religious ties even believe in the principle of karma, so keep this in mind when you feel you have been wronged or feel like hurting someone. Don't worry, I have not hurt anyone recently, but my character has been attacked. This is not the first time and it certainly won't be the last. I just want you to know the danger of such feelings...people have committed suicide and mass slaughters behind these kinds of things. I KNOW where my strength comes from and I know that though I may be knocked down on the mat once, twice, maybe even three times...I can and will get back up. Nothing except for death will keep me from my destiny!
One thing I have learned and do know is that prejudice is still alive and lurks in the darkest, quietest corners and sneaks in the night and suffocates you of life. It causes innocent people their lives, sometimes everything they've ever built. But there is ALSO a such thing as justice.
I also know that it is important to be able to swallow your pride and admit you are wrong when you are wrong, but just because you are wrong, does not mean you are a horrible person and that DOES NOT MEAN by any standards that you have to take verbal or physical abuse.
If anything and in everything, I am proud to say that in my hardest times, I learn the most...these are the times and the mistakes that keep me humble and aware. I hope you appreciate this. Peace and Love!
Til Next Time, Yaz

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Poverty Simulation: Discovered Things About My Own Life Status

Simulation is defined as, the imitation of a real-life process or system overtime. Last week, I was invited on campus to assist with a Poverty Simulation as the Quik Cash Cashier. I will come back to this...this is crucial. Basically, a class was divided into groups representing potential real-life family dynamics. For example some families had two kids, or an infant, some had none; some with elderly parents, some single-parent homes, etc. Each were given packets with a description/background of their family, but no instructions to survive. Some were given money, some started the simulation with no money. Some had transportation passes, some did not (note: you need transportation passes for wherever you go). In the simulation there were the basic institutions present that influence and affect our everyday lives...a school, hospital, bank, bill collection agency, police department, pawn shop, homeless shelter, Quik (quick) Cash and maybe a couple of other critical institutions (I can't remember).
As the Quik Cash Cashier, I probably had one of the most crucial roles, I found. Many of the families (who were at or below the poverty line) unfortunately, had to come to me to cash checks and I could deduct as much for myself as I wanted. This is after taxes are deducted from one's check. I could cheat people, and in fact did if they did not count their money and if they came back without a receipt, I sent them to the back of the line. People had to come to me also to buy transportation passes. They were a dollar each, however I was not to inform that they could buy a monthly pass for $35. No one asked for one, out of 50 or so people. This would actually save them money and instead of having to keep buying one dollar passes for everywhere they went, they could use the monthly pass and go anywhere, unlimited. This totally reminded me of the transportation system in DC. I could also take people's car titles in exchange for cash. So my Quik Cash stop officially operated like the modern day Cash Point, or Cash For Gold would operate. Some people came to me trying to use their EBT (welfare) card or trying to exchange food stamps for cash, which is illegal. All of this however, rung a big bell for me. I realized all that goes on behind the scenes. It taught me to make sure that from now on in real life, I count my cash before I walk I know you are probably saying that's common sense anyway, but just be honest for a moment...You know you've walked off at least once without thoroughly counting your money or asking for a receipt...and later realized you'd been jipped! I learned to be more cognizant of services that are not presented up front, but are possible to obtain, for example the monthly passes.
In the simulation, some people got evicted from their homes. Some were not able to buy the necessary food every week, or were not able to afford to take their kids to the hospital because it would be too expensive. As the Quik Cash Cashier, I was able to decide when I would stop cashing checks (usually when my money was low). Anyways, I am sharing this with you because I found it amazingly eye-opening! Even though I am familiar with some of these systems, I have not yet had a family to raise so of course there are many things I don't know. If I ever lead a Girl Scout Troop, or any group of youth or people borderline to poverty, I will get them to do this exercise. And for the more privileged students on campus, it showed them how hard it is for a financially-struggling family to survive. Have you done a simulation like this or had an experience relevant in real life?

Sunday, September 16, 2012


TODAY'S THE LAST DAY TO VOTE! Competition ends EOD, Monday September 17th! LET'S DO THIS! I cannot thank you guys enough for pushing the button til your fingers hurt...ONE MORE DAY! VOTE YASMINE ARRINGTON CHIPS for grant and feature on BET'S BLACK GIRLS ROCK! NO VOTING CAP so vote as much as you want! They have a cute short commercial if you want to take a look :)

Friday, September 14, 2012


Being on BLACK GIRLS ROCK on BET would mean 1) a grant for ScholarCHIPS to use towards fundraising and scholarships for the children in our society who need it most and 2) AMAZING EXPOSURE OF A WORTHY CAUSE! I thank you all for your continued love and support. I love you more than you will ever know. I have very interesting stories to share, but I am saving them til after the competition ends. PLEASE KEEP VOTING! ONLY FOUR MORE DAYS LEFT! VOTING ENDS EOD, September 17th. Vote when your bored or click a few times on your phone right before you go to sleep. THANK YOU! There no voting cap, so vote, vote, vote...tell your friends, family, and co-workers. Vote, Yasmine Arrington (CHIPS) here:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

VOTE For Yazzie to be on BET'S Black Girls Rock 2012

Hello All! I hope you are well. The work load is slowly buckling down and eating away my precious sleep...but that's besides the point. I am in the running to get a grant for ScholarCHIPS and be on BET'S taping of Black Girls Rock this year. I made a promotion video (On Youtube) just if you would like to SEE me explain it (for my visual learners) or if you simply want to start voting immediately please go directly to this link: There's no voting cap so click away and voting goes on til September please tell friends, family, co-workers and loved ones to vote. I am so grateful and overwhelmed by everyone's support. I am truly grateful. -Yaz

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

From The Baby Boomers to Mayor Julian Castro

"We know that in our free market economy, some will prosper more than others...but what we won't accept is the idea that some folks won't ever get a chance! Freedom isn't free, but neither is opportunity" YES! This is a quote from the first ever Hispanic Keynote Democratic National Convention Speaker. Now that's a well put-together speech! Talk about excellent public speaking I thought it was cool that Mayor Julian Castro was introduced by his twin brother! I was very inspired. In the audience I thought it was so uplifting to see people holding Texan signs, and signs with single words of such great meaning... some signs said "Viva Obama y Castro," "Felicidades Castro," my favorite was the sign that said "Opportunidad."
Coincidentally in one of my classes, I am reading 'Democracy's Children,' which is a book based on the Baby Boomer Generation and why they were perhaps the most educated generation in history and the most this is the author's thesis, but it makes sense. After World War II gender roles changed...women were no longer simply confined to being house wives and some even continued to work after their husbands came the home, parents raised their children in a more democratic style, catering to their children's individual needs and respecting their opinions, not like it once was that 'a child should be seen and not heard.' From there, schools began to implement the idea of Progressivism and use the classroom as a tool for social change. THIS was the generation of Rock and Roll, of civil rights protests, of the Feminism Movement...of more open sexuality...because they were reared up different than any other generation before, they brought about the beginning of radical societal change in which we still see the ripple effects of today!
I know you were wondering where I was going with that, but this is the generation whom Mayor Castro praised in his speech for their dedication to us, their sacrifices and investments in OUR future. My grandmother was born at the end of this era, so I know a little somethin,' somethin' about the Baby Boom :) kekekeke I digress. It always intrigues me to hear of the bravery of this 1940s generation. This was also an era of GREAT MUSIC! It's funny, while reading this book all the 1930s, 40s, and 50s songs I learned about in my Music and Propaganda class came back to mind. Bob Dylan. The song 'I AM WOMAN!' We all know Elvis Presley. WOODSTOCK definitely came to mind. Anyways...from that time period, up to me watching the Keynote speaker at the 2012 Democratic Convention has inspired me. Sometimes being my age, I feel stuck. Sometimes folks who are at the head of radical change-making, are not always in it for the actual change, but the way it looks. This makes it hard for little college students like me with big dreams and the gap of money called OPPORTUNITY! But I will continue to work hard and dream BIG and keep pressing and when I get to that place of National influence I will do my very best to help little people with big dreams. It's nothing like getting rejected time and time again..believe it or not I know a little something about rejection fact most of us have experienced rejection at sometime or another in our lives...but let's let this time before presidential elections be a time of inspiration, a time to sit back and observe, and a time to let our imaginations run wild with the possibilities!
Signing off, Yours Truly...Yaz

Monday, September 3, 2012

Paradigm Shift: The Future of Technology?

    IT'S CREEPY! Some may think it's cool...if Apple excellerates any faster the amount of time they release their latest Smart Phone, I think my head will explode. Of course the technicians behind the storefronts, commercials, and cool designs we see are always at work and not just Apple...I'm not going to get too much into those details though. In my Digital Media Convergence class we are talking about Old Media vs. New Media. Currently we have exited the world of 2.0 World Wide Web and are now in the era of 3.0 World Wide Web, in which we are still defining. Old Media is considered to be television, radio, recordings, paper books, movies, newspapers, and magazines. New Media is considered Electronic Books (such as the Kindle Reader), Online Newspapers, Music Downloading (such as ITunes), on-Demand video Streaming (such as Netflix), Internet Radio (Pandora, Spotify), Blogs (such as this one. smile), Smart TV, etc.
    Everything that was once linear is now nonlinear. Everything that was once analog, is now digital. Everything that once weighed 30 pounds that sat in your living room, you can now carry around in your pocket. I'm not telling you anything you don't know...but have you ever stopped to think about the future of media, and web, and technology as a whole....where is it going?! After the release of the personal computer in 1981, that marked the Paradigm shift that would rock our world and shape modern technology for what we know it to be today.
    In class we made a web of ideas, in which we thought technology was headed in the future....some of these may seem obvious, but what do you think technology will look like in the future?
A Massive database (we see the beginning of this with Google Drive and Apple ICloud), Actual computers in cars, that may talk to us...automatic cars that drive for you....maybe flying cars...Wireless/wifi EVERYWHERE (Even on the metro...DC metro is already improving cellphone coverage under the tunnels which is why you may be suffering from train delays), Adds will be more filtered, individual people will have the capacity to make softwares as opposed to solely technicians and big companies, people will be forced to do more than one thing (one job title will no longer be sufficient), glasses that include gps, you can read your emails on it (Goggle has come out with these Google glasses, or at least the idea...creepy!)
Computers will be 3D and you will be able to select commands in the air (like you see on Spy movies), no more computer mouses, more Smart devices, robots, military robots (they've started this too!, Humans living in outer space
What are your thoughts? Are you excited for new technology? Are you frustrated that you will have to keep learning how to use these devices? Are you creeped out by the fast rate in which technology is going? Have you seen "The Pirates of Silicon Valley" a movie focusing on Bill Gates and Steve Jobs?

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