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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

KMART Kids Rap Commercial for BACK 2 SCHOOL

I usually ALWAYS skip commercials on Youtube, however, the longest Youtube commercial I've ever seen, I actually ended up watching the WHOLE thing! KMART's marketing crew is EXTREMELY smart, as their new Back to School Sale Commercial caters to modern day culture, but it's clean and cute. Kids rapping so cute! Watch!

Monday, August 19, 2013

My Response to Fruitvale Station: Open Letter to Tatiana Grant from Yasmine Arrington

Dear Tatiana,

What happened to your father at Fruitvale Station was wrong and was the result of unconscious and conscious biases of minorities and in this case of a black male. It is often assumed that a minority male on a late night is up to no good and when police are challenged and confronted with their own biases, they unfortunately have the "authority" via weapons to harm the vulnerable and unarmed. And many times when they make the decision to use their authority and power needlessly, people get hurt.

Lots of things happen in our lives that we don't understand, that we can't understand and may never be able to comprehend. I'm sure you were hurt, saddened and confused when you first found out that your father was shot dead by a policeman. You may have even blamed God for taking your father away from you, and that is natural. My mother died my freshman year of high school and that was a hard pill to swallow. She was only in her early 30s and my brothers were still very young and I couldn't understand why God had to take her away from us so soon, but eventually it made me stronger.

Knowing that she is in a better place with no more plan, suffering, depression and sorrow. Your father and my mother are both at peace and I'd like to believe that they are smiling down at us both rooting for us to be more successful and loving to the world, then they could. To show the world that Latina and Black women are by no means weak, or ignorant, but we are brave and smart and strong! That we can endure heartache and pain and rise like a phoenix from the ashes.

You are a beautiful girl, with lots of potential...more than you know. Because of your father's story, you have the ability to make the world stand on its toes when you speak! You have the power to make people see the wrongfulness in police brutality and the danger of racial profiling. You have the power to show the world that pain does not have to break you, but it can make you stronger and not only that, also more determined to help other people in the same/similar situations.

I will say that I am so glad that in the last several years film writers and producers have seen the need for people to know their history and know THE TRUTH, with movies like Fruitvale Station, Freedom Writers, American Violet, Red Tails, Lincoln, The Butler and many others, we have shed light on this country's continued failure to look past (the master statues of) race, gender, class and socioeconomic status both in the past and in the present, instead of accepting a person as they are and realizing that our environments mould us into who we are. We don't get to choose who we are birthed to, how much money we're birthed into and what neighborhood. Americans must do better!

Watching people ridicule the President because of his race and disguise it by saying that he's destroyed or done nothing for this country is not solving the problems that still stand and those people should be ashamed! How are they any better for ridiculing rather than getting off of their butts and doing something to fix lack of jobs, lack of health care, lack of quality public education?! Truth is, many don't care unless if affects them directly.

Girl we've got to show these people that's it's so much more to life than the master statuses, but it's about showing more love. Treating people how you want to be treated. Though we may want to, we can't fight the fire with more fire or fuel, but we must fight it with water! With peace and with love. We must strive to exemplify the lives of figures like Ghandi, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King Jr. And look at their children now...division amongst MLK's children because of disagreement in relation to their father's legacy...Nelson Mandela's children and grandchildren fighting over where he should be buried (mainly because money is involved). Have we really come to this in only a couple generations? Have we really become so vain? Have we completely lost sight of the visions of our forefathers? I say that our generation has not and we've had enough!

It won't happen overnight, but it will happen. This is only the beginning! As 21st century minorities we must find our own voice! We must find our peaceful rebellious voice to tell all these old conservatives (on the left and right)...NO! You are not practicing the equality and justice that you preach about, so go have a seat. Where is the equality, the peace and the justice? We see it nowhere, count case after court case and murder after murder left unpunished continue to show us that our elders have not respect, no love and no sense of empathy for our suffering! And no, I am not being over the top or dramatic, because enough is ENOUGH! Kindness is dwindling and more selfishness and hatred is arising. We must recreate a movement powerful as, if not more than the Civil Rights Movement...and create a moment of peace and hope in time that will make the world stop and pay attention, like Woodstock (1969)! Most people are tryign to say that we are in a post-racial era, but it seems to me that things are only getting worse.

Tatiana, this is quite a heavy letter for you at your age, but keep this letter and read it over and over again as the years go by. Ask your teachers and loved ones to help interpret this letter for you and you will understand when the time comes the power you have within you! I love you. Be strong.

With Love (Your Big Sis),


Jett Jackson Teen Star Commits Sucide

The sad news is spreading on Facebook like a wildfire! I can't believe my first childhood crush and black Disney Hero long before Corbin Bleu, Jett Jackson (real name: Lee Thompson Young) has committed suicide at ONLY 29 YEARS OLD! His body was discovered on Monday in his north Hollywood home with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Sources do not know the reason why Young killed himself, but are thinking depression.

I feel terrible about this. Ironically, I made a video not even a whole month ago to discourage people from committing suicide. bothers and I were just talking about Jett Jackson a while ago and a few months ago I tweeted at him and made a comment saying that we miss him and would love for him to make a Jett Jackson comeback. If I had know he was feeling like this I would have tweeted my video to him. :(

Honestly, this just goes to show that you may have all the money and fame in the world, but you can sill feel empty inside and/or depressed...being wealthy in gold and money, does not mean that you do not have feelings of loneliness, but weather you are rich, poor or in between I would never wish that kind of unescapable depression on anyone.

He will be missed. Please check out the video I made below and make sure to talk to the people in your lives and around you and let them know you are there for them and that you care, because they may be having the same thoughts. Before Committing Suicide, Watch this Video PLEASE!

UNBEWEAVABLE Pastor Bans Women in Church Form Wearing Weave

There's so much going's hard to keep up. So first things first...word is out that a pastor in Waco, Texas is baning the women in leadership positions at the church from wearing weaves. My first thought is...someone must have spilled the bean and told pastor, or pastor was filling in some women's full head of lovely locks, because if you get a good weave, no one will know, lol!

I just want to take this time to dispel the myth that only black women wear weaves... women of other races including caucasian women wear weaves and extensions probably won't believe me, but Kim Kardashian does! She's admitted it in one of her interviews, I think on the Wendy Williams show. I couldn't find the exact video, but here's a link. use weaves, extensions and wigs to make their hair look more full, bouncy and voluptuous...which is why the every day person may think to themselves..."Man, I wish I had hair like Beyonce or Kelly Clarkson or someone...but the truth is is that they more than likely have on extensions or clip ons that look exactly identical to their hair. Celebrities pay hundreds and sometimes even a few thousand dollars for a natural looking hair piece. Have you ever seen Jennifer Lopez in the movie "Maid from Manhattan"? There's a scene where after she's gotten all glamourous to go to this banquet, the next morning she snatches out a clip on hair piece out of her hair and you wouldn't even know it till she does this!

Anyway...I seriously digress, lol. But back to this pastor...I think he's going to lose a few members if he's serious about enforcing this. Either that, or some female ministers and deaconesses are going to still wear weave and no body will even know. I think pastor's getting just too doggone self-righteous! Wearing weave does not make you any less saved or any more evil. Pastor says that "He wants the women to focus on more on developing themselves and their minds as opposed to putting emphasis on the outward appearance." While I do agree that women should not forsake brain smarts and try to over compensate for that by sexifying themselves (if that's even a word), but in my mind a Pastor should be bringing me the Word and not telling me what I can and cannot do with the money I earn and how I would like to wear my hair ,especially if I pay my tithes, haha.

LOL...I bet women are still gonna be sitting up there with weave and it looks just like it's theirs. The usher might ask if it's my hair and I'm going to say, "YES! I bought it so it's mine! JESUS GAVE IT TO ME AND THE WORLD CAN'T TAKE IT AWAY (like the old Hymnal says) LOL

Saturday, August 17, 2013

President Obama Made Rodeo Clown Joke in Missouri Fair...Fair or Unfair?

Hey all you might have already seen this headline in your daily newspapers, on the news or on the radio, but I just wanted to share the Washington Post article that was written on this by Philip Rucker entitled Obama rodeo clown incident illustrates nation’s continued racial divide. It's just a well crafted story. Form my Communications perspective, the story identified what the incident was in full detail and provided feedback/opinions from both sides of the argument, from people who were at the actual rodeo. Here's a news coverage clip of the Missouri State Fair Rodeo Obama Clown.

I'm not going to make a big fuss about it. Instead, I'd like to hear from you...what do you think? Do you think having a caucasian man dressed in an Obama mask, with a broom up his behind, playing with his lips being chased by a bull was inappropriate or do you think it was just for fun and games and that blacks and liberals take these kinds of things too seriously/sensitively? I won't be upset, I'd just like to know...(Read the article/s and vids first please). Is this action justified because you think the president is doing a poor job and people make fun of presidents all the time?

Father Upset at Son Wearing Skinny Jeans

HAHA! Please check out this video clip of a father getting on his son for wearing extra short, extra tight pants! More fathers should get on their sons for dressing like this! This is ssooo funny.

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