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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Petitions to Secede From the U.S., And Where Are Yall Going?

JUST STOP IT! I cannot emphasis this enough. Why in the world is it almost 2013...TWO THOUSAND AND THIRTEEN and we have people putting in petitions to secede (meaning completely remove themselves and possibly give up their citizenship) from the United States. My Public Opinion Professor points out that America hasn't been this divided like this since the Civil War...The Civil War! when the North was fighting to free black slaves who had been DRAGGED TO AMERICA in the first place....nah uh., your ancestors' ancestors' ancestors dragged US here and now you are trying to secede? AND WHERE YALL GOING...I presume not Africa and not Mexico! lol Now whoever came up with the term "post-racial" society...let me find them and slap them. I'm truly disgusted by the meanness, no scratch that, the flat out cruelty from racist Americans. You act like you are going to die because a black president is in hasn't even been three whole months and you're crying bloody murder.
But all anger and jokes aside I get it...Southern Americans are trying to prove a point. Honestly the hostility is only coming from a small group of Americans...I just heard on the radio too, thanks to women, young people and minorities coming out in groves to the polls President Obama is in office. My professor, Jason Husser (political analyst) in this article:  makes a legitimate point making petitions to secede goes way beyond what meets the eye:

He says, "I’m a Southerner descended from slave holders and Confederate soldiers. I’ve often heard arguments that Confederate flags and sentiments expressed by petitions like these honor our heritage. What they actually do is glorify the worst parts of our history and neglect the best." 

And they say the young people of today don't have a war to fight, UUMM CLEARLY WE DO! Texas alone rallied up 100,000 signatures. I seriously need to get on tv with this and just let everyone know how silly they're getting...I'm going to pray for this country and people blinded by color. Yeah...Yall go ahead and convince all the old farts that've been sitting on capitol hill for 1, 000 years with their filibusters and bill riders to secede to so we can get some REAL things done for a change! Yes, I said it. I'm truly, truly disappointed. Money and power are worldly and they don't last always, so keep on your high horse...The world is yours right? Remember you brought us here! You don't think I noticed that you've got black slaves pulling a buggy on the Wells Fargo bank card...


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