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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Back to [Sch]Cool!

Hello there ladies and gents...
it's been quite some time. My summer was amazing. Simple, but amazing...sometimes less is more. What do I mean exactly (?), well, I stayed home in DC this summer, with my grandmother, which was great. Grandma, honestly has become my best friend. We are comfortable saying what's on our minds aloud, openly joking about anything and almost everything. I realize that even in hard times, laughter is where you can find the solace and the strength to carry on. I worked on organizing ScholarCHIPS' Inaugural Awards Ceremony in June, which took place June 23, 2012 at the George Washington School of Business and the Mistress of Ceremony was none other than my grandmother...Ms. Wright! :) View pics of the scholars and the event here: (stayed tuned for a scholar interviews vid). In July, I did my internship at PBS, The Public Broadcasting Station headquarters in Crystal City, Virginia. It was truly a learning experience and the employees are as nice, and as hardworking as you would think on account of watching their, Mr. Roger's Neighborhood, Sesame Street, Frontline, etc. I had the opportunity to help with their big annual Press Tour (in California) and I wrote several stories for their weekly newsletter called PBScoop...I was even featured in the newsletter my last week. I enhanced my writing skills and learned so much about the "professional/business world." Nothing that I didn't necessarily already know, but it's different when you discover something by doing it firsthand:) August, I was flying all over the city giving out ScholarCHIPS tees, networking, and catching up with my friends from back home. There nothing like true friendship. I hope I'm not boring you to death...I promise when classes start Tuesday, I will be capable of presenting you with intriguing and possibly new info/ideas. There is amazing news though. As few know and many don't, I decided some time back to fiddle into Plus Modeling to see where it would lead me...very interesting field I might say. My first callback, I later found out was to a phony agency, I had been rejected from one of DC's top Modeling agencies, because I was told, they do not accept college students, however at the tail end of the summer I was accepted into FFX Runway's Modeling Academy (it's a clothing line launching a plus model line). I will be one of their plus model faces :) Crazy, huh? Coming up will mark my one year anniversary of vlogging (video blogs on Youtube)'s one of my many niches. I LOVE TALKING...and making u guys laugh. It's a different kind of creativity I experience when presenting in front of the camera. Veyr different than writing and I absolutely LOVE it! My lovely grandmother, won't mind me saying, but she doesn't always like me editing videos with my face in my [lap]top...but Communications is my major...I'm just practicing for the real world!
Anyhow, being back in college feels GREAT! As a sophomore, I already feel a sense of seniority (for lack of a better term)...not in an arrogant way, but I am proud I successfully survived freshman year and am here again to knock it out of the park AGAIN. Seeing friends feels great. I've read Zeitoun. The freshman reading this year...I'm expected to present to faculty and classes on it, as the main character is captured and put in prison due to racial profiling. In brief the book is based on the lives of a real Muslim family, who lived in New Orleans at the time Katrina hit. It was a tragic state of affairs....many things I learned through reading the book I didn't know before...for instance a prison was built in new Orleans during the time of flooding in the likes of Guantanamo bay, troops from every force were stationed in New Orleans...National Guard, Iraqi Troops all armed with rifles (I know you might have know this, but I was young at the time and didn't follow the tragedy every day on the news)...but news that troops were terrorizing survivors in the city was left out breaking news reports, looting was going on, the major and governor were butting heads, FEMA was taking prisoners, etc. It's a graphic a deep book, that reveals the horrifying truth behind the events that took place in that abandoned city. I will get into more details at another time. Hope you are ready for another year, whatever your profession know I always encourage learning...constantly look for opportunities to better yourself, and expand your're never to old or young for that. TTYL! -Yaz
PS: Just for the record, if you haven't figured it out already...I'm perfectly fine with letting my life be exposed for the benefit, learning, and human interest of others...via blog, via vlog, via poetry, etc. I have nothing to hide and I enjoy it, it's what I love. Lessons can be learned and laughter can be found even in our folly and embarrassing moments. Too many are unhappy because they are not doing what they love...If you do what you love, you will be successfully anyhow!

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