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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What's New, Same Ol'

Sorry you haven't gotten much out of me in the prior two months. Sometimes you go through dry seasons in life that just cause for silence. I was still hearing things in the news, etc. but I just had to step away from it. Sometimes I feel like I am wasting precious breathe (or letters, lol), trying to scream JUSTICE at the top of my lungs, but nobody hears me. Anyways, I digress.

So some things that are new...well, a 8-year-old girl was sworn in as the governor of Maryland for a day. She's cute and smart. Check her out:

Apparently Kerry Washington had a secret wedding to a football player? Now, I'm not going to jump and say that this is true because media gets things twisted ALL THE TIME!

And B. Scott, a popular gay media personality rejects BET's (at the BET Awards) apology for pulling him to the side and telling him that his look was inappropriate" and to turn down!

Enough gossip...I want to talk about REAL PEOPLE. EVERY DAY PEOPLE! I am amazed by some of the wonderful, driven people I've met within the last few months and they have powerful stories and struggles, even more powerful than mine and they need to be told! So the next few blog posts you'll read, are are some about some AMAZING PEOPLE who turned their lives around and began a new life, helping people.

BTW....HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! Just remember that even FREEdom, isn't FREE!

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