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Sunday, April 15, 2012

The BUTTERFLY: This Insect Can Teach Us and Thing or Two!

The butterfly is often associated with upward looking ideals such as "evolution," "hope," and "new life"...and I guess it goes without saying because it transforms completely from a little slow, slimy caterpillar into a beautiful work of art called a butterfly...or Mariposa (the word in Spanish sounds really pretty). Butterflies are very interesting insects and I never really took the time to study them, but I heard a guest speaker a few weeks ago talk about maturing into adulthood and related it to the butterfly's process of evolution. I took mental note and want to share them with you.
No two butterflies have the same wing pattern/s...every single butterfly is unique. Butterflies drink from mud puddles. Butterflies cannot see well far off; they are near sighted, but their eyes can see many ultraviolet lights that the human eye cannot. To hide, in order to avoid being eaten, butterflies will blend into flowers, sort of like chameleons do. Butterflies cannot fly if their bodies are lower than 86 degrees. Butterflies can taste with their feet :)
These are only a few of the many interesting facts about las mariposas. If you want to make it interesting and compare their behavior to far as mud puddles go, sometimes we have to look in the most unsuspecting places to find nutrients and what we need, whether that be physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Sometimes we look in the highest places, where the richest or prettiest people are...where all the happenings are taking place, but really we may just need to search in our own mud puddles! In terms of near sightedness, when we are weak in one area, we are often stronger in other areas than this would be in relation to talents. You may not be able to sing or dance, but you can tell a story really well...or you may not be able to talk well, but you are an excellent listener. As far as being too cold to fly...sometimes we are in the midst of life circumstances that immobilize us, but we cannot let them immobilize us permanently. We must learn from our mistakes and other's mistakes and keep flying to higher heights. No need to elaborate on the cocoon thing...Evolution and transformation is a process we ALL MUST go through inevitably and we go through many many evolving processes with each new environment and relationship we encounter. Haha, how do you like my analogy?! Hope it makes sense. Hope you were inspired by the fancy analogies lol or if not, some fun facts to share with your kids and/or friends!
PS: One of my favorite songs is called Black Butterfly by Deniece Williams.

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