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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

President Obama's 2012 Campaign Starts with a BIG BANG!

The Presidential Race 2012 has officially started! The Obama campaign begins with a debuting a new video showing all of the off the wall "severely conservative" (these are Romney's words he uses to describe himself) comments Primary Republican Runner Mitt Romney has made when appealing to conservatives for their votes. 
He said things such as the following...“I like being able to fire people who provide services to me.” Do I believe that the Supreme Court should overturn Roe Vs. Wade?, YES!” “Let Detroit go bankrupt.” “I think the withdrawal of all of our troops out of Iraq is unfortunate…it’s more than unfortunate, I think it’s tragic.”
These are only some of the rude and downright inconsiderate things he has said, not even mentioning what he said pertaining to ObamaCare/Healthcare and Immigration laws. 
Don't believe me, watch for yourself!:
Mitt Romney's campaign folks are going to have a hard time claiming that all he has stated was taken out of context... probably because these statements were not taken out of context...he meant them honestly. It is a known fact that any super conservative or extreme, notice I said extreme, Republican is against raising taxes for big businesses, against free/affordable health care for those who cannot afford it and absolutely hate the mention of immigrants into the US. 
In addition to this video, to heat things up even more George Clooney who, sources claim knew President Obama before he was president, is hosting a $6 million fundraising dinner for him. Each seat/plate will cost $40,000! WILL YOU BE IN THE HOUSE? LOL TAKE ME! 

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