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Friday, July 20, 2012

Who's Paying Attention? You Just Never Know. Colorado Shooting

Another sad day...yet again another tragedy to shake our heads at and just go..."why?" There are some crazy crazy people out here. These types of attrocities we see in thriller movies and hit criminal justice/investigative sitcoms we never hope to wake up to in real life! If these aren't the end times, I don't know what is. I send my condolences and prayers to the families of the now lost, those injured, and people who were affected. You just never know. You go out on a warm, summer night feeling good and ready to see one of your favorite super heroes on the big strap your baby in the car, and little do you know that tonight you will be facing death? It's a sad state of affairs...I mean, what are people like this trying to prove? I mean...a rifle, gas mask (or heavy army like materials), explosives, etc...We always try to get more security in places like airports and public transportation systems, but it never seems like enough. Are we ever truly safe from demon possessed people such as this? Evil is prevalent, but it will not win! THE VIOLENCE MUST STOP! We really need to go back and take a look at "the right to bear arms!" If you ain't hunting...why does anyone really need a gun if you think about it? Even police...oh what, self defense? A gun's purpose is to kill...if you want a weapon of some sort 'to defend' yourself then why not use something that will not just up and kill someone?! You may think this statement is naive of me, but I want you to really think about this now! Why does someone really really need a gun unless they are hunting for some food to eat????? #ProjectEnough

1 comment:

  1. Batman was not created by Stan Lee, however a very insightful post!


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