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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Pics, Diets, Propagandas and Politics!

Before I begin, please visit the actual blog to see the new pictures I posted from the Redskins game. I have a pic of me in the limo and on the field saying the Pledge of Allegiance and of me and my best friend Ruth!
Ok. Day one is complete. Two hearty dark green spinach salads, tomato soup and a fruit cup and plenty of water of course! A drastic change from the other day's Krispy Kremes and Cookout corn dogs. What? You really did not think that I wasn't going to go out with a bang did you? You must not know me yet. haha. Anyway, at the gym I increased my normal treadmill jogging time from 10 minutes to 15 minutes. Eventually that will go from 15 to 20 and so on. I also did the bike ride--something I don't normally do, but that was cut short from the pain in my rear. They really need to make wider seats. haha. Anyways, great day. My Winter Term class "Music and Propaganda" is off to a great start. The teacher [he] is very comical. We defined Propaganda today and of course the three kinds--white, black, and grey. We watched the "JG Wentworth commercial." Come on, you know you've seen it. The one where everyone is on a metro bus singing opera. It is very catchy indeed. "Call 877-CASH-NOW!" (But don't really, it's a scheme. Hence propaganda.) We also watched one of Eisenhower's campaign commercials from way back when. You should watch it. I can't get that dogon song out of my head. "Ike for President! Ike for president! Ike for president! I like Ike...You like Ike, Everrrryyyboodddy likes Ike!"
Speaking of political propaganda agendas, you know that Law has always been in my heart. I will not make much comment on Herman Cain, but I have to say something. He was a complete an total nut! How about that? Disregarding the sexual harassment accusations. This man grew up as a poor, dark, Black man in the "Jim Crow South" (says a Newsweek article). His parents were poor, working class folk and he has dealt with racism all his life and now he had the AUDACITY and the NERVE and the GULL to stand up in front of millions of black folk and the Tea Party and claim that he is a conservative republican? And which Black person's vote does he have? not mine. He is against abortion even if it's rape. Negro Please! lol I am well aware that he has stepped down from the presidential campaign trail for some time now, but the article I read just brought the insanity right back and slapped me in the face. He literally allowed himself to be the laughing stock for White Republicans. They don't want him as their president and as far as I am concerned we didn't want him either. Anything to take the focus off of the current, and handsome (might I add) incumbent President Obama. Politics is going down the toilet. The ones already elected are sitting down in congress bypassing time and holding off on bills that really matter to middle-class and low-income people and now folks trying to get elected are making mud-slinging and just plain low-down, dirty adds about their opponents and making dumb comments. You know what I say? "Ike for President! Ike for president!" lol Something funny to leave you with...when I first saw Romney's name and grandma and I talked about him I said "You mean that ROME-NEY guy?" I twisted his name all up. I nick named him ROME-NEY, ROME! lol Just for sanity purposes, I may have to enter politics and set some records straight! These folks are jokes. haha. It may be difficult, you know with me being so fly and as one of my friends used to call me Caramel. :) They will hammer me about my looks and say I am not fit for the job, like they did Clinton and Palin; however, my husband does not have a rocky infidel sexual past and I cannot see Alaska from my house. Lastly, sorry, I am definitely on a tangent, I love how White male republicans are always talking about First Lady Michelle Obama's butt. As far as I am concerned, she is hot, fit, and too legit to quit. (Though the high-arching eyebrows are kinda creepy). Have you seen those arms? NO ONE can resist a black Woman's backside. Hence the 80s jam song "Poison." It has caused wars and whole empires to fall--crash and burn. Anybody remember Cleopatra? Please don't be deceived, she was Black. They say their are a lot of things we still do not know about her, but ask me...I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. :) Anyways, the Republicans' slanging at First Lady Obama is simply their 5th grade way of showing that they have a crush on her. You know what they say..."Once you go black, you never go back!" nothing more to be said. (I crack myself up yall. But I simply speak truth. What I see and what I hear for what it is. Cause I'm young, black, and beautiful...IN COLLEGE!) Trying to keep with the theme here. haha Please comment.


  1. Just Read it, It was interseting!!! I am not in politics but that was funny!!

  2. Thanks Kris. A Lot of people like this one...Are you still reading?


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